As the snow turned to a hard, technical medium from the soft heavenly blanket of bliss with the raging winds of the upper Andes, the reality of our required departure and return to a world two weeks forgotten also blew in. The two weeks of skiing, touring, yoga, hot tubbing, joking, bonding, and constant schenanigans were now soon to become memories and experiences of the past instead of the daily routine that had become life for two weeks.
During that time everything else was forgotten and put aside. There were no worries of work, of bills, or of the summer heat. There was just living, living in the moment. All that mattered was skiing, fresh turns, food, partying, sleep, and avoiding falling prey to the next prank; life was good.
The days were spent honing an upright tight stance and embracing speed, invoking the style and technique of Nick DeVore. Both of my ski weeks started with a fresh dump of soft snow. The fresh turns to be had each day came under the coaches' requirement of doing so with speed and fluidity. My legs were pushed to new limits and given a pounding that I'm still recovering from.
Both of the groups were awesome even though they differed on many levels. The first group was mainly juniors (under 17) and just full of so much energy and laughter, which was truly contagious; I felt like got a little younger that week, and we all know that I don't need anymore excuses to act immature. It was constant joking and laughing. Honestly just an epic combination of personalities, energy, and skiing.
The second group was all adults and a good bunch of mountain rippers. We had a blast hiking around and shredding pow. And they all definitely knew how to have a good time both on the mountain and off.
As I now depart my little bit of heaven and return to the grind, my muscles ache and my joints are pained a little. Yet I smile with each little ache and pain. The soreness and the aches serve as a reminder; a reminder of the adventure had and the friendships made. But it also serves as a reminder of the hard work and long days of cutting trees down after sitting in an office for nine hours a day to pull together the extra funds needed to make this trip possible, the late nights, the stresses of a financial commitment, the doubts and worries........and oh how it was worth it.
Rocking out hard at La Posada |
Beautiful sunsets every day |
Enjoying the sunset during my daily hot tub session with my mustache |
Slackline session |
Final dinner group shenanigans |
Parting our ways at the airport. I was bracing for the payback wet willey to follow. |