Monday, September 27, 2010

Portillo Big Mountain Telemark Camp Promo

So here's what I've been working on in all my free time for the past cople weeks.  Thank goodness it's FINALLY done.  I really enjoyed filming, being filmed, and editing this promo.  Another cool thing is a shortened version of the promo is going to be apart of the Powderwhore TELEvision movie tour.  The promo will play during the premovie pleasantries while everyone is arriving and getting their seats.

I've also been working on a new website for Free 2 Be Productions.  That'll be finished soon (hopefully).

Well here's the edit.  Enjoy.

Portillo Big Mountain Telemark Camp Promo from Free 2 Be Productions on Vimeo.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pics n Stuff O'Chile - It's about time I post this

Alright I know that it's been a little while since I posted anything.....ok more like a long while.  I've been working on a video promo for Nick and Kayo's Portillo Big Mountain Telemark Camp in between work trips, a Six Flags and Atlantic City day, skim boarding at Destin Beach in Florida, and setting up other business ventures.  It's been quite the busy 8 weeks; the time has flown by and been one big blur.  I'll be posting the camp promo video here next week, promise.  And there'll be more posts of additional edits that are in the works.

I just totaled my stats from Portillo and this is what I got:

Ski Days: 13 (out of 15 potential)
Vertical Footage: 155,770 feet

I already have a good jump on my ski days and vertical footage for the season.
For now here's some pics of me in Portillo courtesy of the talented Luke Lubchenco.
My absolute favorite

Yes I know the camera looks funny on my helmet

At work

First week powder goodness

First day of Roca Jack

More Roca Jack
Lake Run Slash
One last sweet lake run shot