Tuesday, December 8, 2009

True Ski Love - An Artistic Ski Tune Edit (Attempt)

True Ski Love - It's about how one treats and respects their skis, the same objects that allow one to express their feelings and life experiences on the mountain side.

My Icelantic Nomads can take a beating and give one right back. The Icelantic Shaman is just the same. Because these skis serve us and endure our skiing, we in turn keep them in good enough shape to ski another day.

This is my first attempt at an artistic edit. I didn't want to have it be super artistic or over dramatic. I merely wanted to portray the feelings and aspirations that come to me through my skis. Enjoy.

1 comment:

CJOverski said...

way to put it all together commander. Getting better every flick - I am anxious for the next already to show off some powdah!!! skiing!!!