Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Opening Weekend

It was a really good opening weekend at Snowbasin.  Who wouldn't want to enjoy four days of getting back on the sticks and knocking the rust of your edges?  The resort keeps impressing more and more each year.  This year they brought in a new park specific groomer and absolutely crushed it for the first mini park.  Now I'm not a park guy, but if I was, I would be super stoked for the new layout and the possibilities of what's to come.

I did happen to put together a quick and dirty edit of the weekend activities.  Now this isn't my best work technically and I'm just not that happy with it as nothing really flowed through me as I edited.  And I may have blown a few good shots or two (extremely underplayed) which contributed to the outcome.  But here's the video, and feel free to share it and this site if you feel like doing so.  One more thing, I have an announcement coming up soon about my new ski sponsor.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Still Alive and Still Adventuring

Here’s an update that’s been a long time coming. That being said, it’s also been a very busy, busy year. And it’s finally slowing down just in time for the arrival of winter, which in my neck of the woods has just knocked on the door. I woke up to a wonderfully crisp morning in the 20’s. There was snow in the mountains and frost on the ground. And there is snow making going on at Snowbasin. That makes me really excited, to which I’ll explain more later.

So back to the catching up, it’s been a very good and busy year for Cutting Edge Tree Professionals. We have seen more business come our way this year than the previous season and an half. As we celebrated our two year anniversary, we also scored the largest job we’ve ever had; removal of 36 cottonwood trees and a willow. Now all of the cottonwood trees were in the 70-90 foot high category. We brought in a 60 foot boom lift for the job and combined with my rigging skills and techniques, we were able to get everything down, even those over fences and structures, without having to bring in an 85 foot boom lift. And now that we’ve finished up that job I’m finally starting to feel a little rested. You see it was a bit tiring working 72 plus hour weeks for a month straight and having to go from work to trees and changing in the car for a month. And to think, Seth put in even more hours on site than I did; I know he was exhausted and even happier to be done with the job than myself.

Now onto the exciting news with Snowbasin; the resort decided to put together a freeride team for the upcoming season and I was chosen to fill the telemark slot. It’s a great opportunity for me and I’m glad to be associated with such a good mountain and community. This will be my third season at Snowbasin and by far the most anticipated one for me. My team profile can be seen here.

In addition to Snowbasin, I’ve also started working with another great company, Flylow Gear. I love their products, both pants, jackets, and now finally bibs, oh how I love bibs. Flylow goods are technical, durable, and really stylish. I’m really blessed to have this opportunity to start a relationship with them and hopefully it’ll progress to a full sponsorship throughout the season.

And as for the visual treats, here are a few videos. The first is my promo video I created a few months ago with what little footage of myself I had. I definitely didn’t get much personal filming done this last year with the blood clot.

This is an edit giving a short glimpse into the work Ski Patrol does at Snowbasin. I had a good time creating this one.

And here’s one of stop number two of the Friday Night Lights Rail Jam Series that took place at Snowbasin last year. Another one that I was satisfied with producing.