Monday, May 26, 2008

Fun at Work

Let me start off by saying that working for a "for-profit" organization that deals with a government "not-for-profit" organization is quite different. The first thing that is does for me is that it makes me glad for capitalism and "for-profit" organizations. The interaction that one has with that government organization can be very slow and arduous.

Anyway with that being said, I have managed to fit in with one of my" customers," The GTACS Sustainment Program Office. Instead of being the fly on the wall contractor, I have managed to become one of the guys. In doing so I decided to pull a little copycat joke with one of the guys in the program office. Lieutenant Dan, yes I have a Lt. Dan (Forrest Gump) in the program office, decided that we would pick on Neil, the Equipment Specialist. So I decided that I should look like him for a day. This is what happened:

Everyone seemed to get a kick out of it. I had a meeting with my company’s VP of Operations and he was laughing so hard at the beginning of the meeting that we couldn't get started on time. When someone would ask me why I did it, I would just reply, “I just needed to feel like more of a man today.”

The one person that hated it, of course, was Randi. I sent her a pic of it and she replied back as fast as humanly possible that I “need to fix that ASAP!” I told her that I would. The unfortunate thing for her, and myself, was that the guy I was pranking was out sick the day I did this. So I had to keep it for another day. But I did manage to keep it for a family birthday dinner. She was very tolerant of me and that was a good thing. Randi made sure that I took it off before our next birthday party the following night. But as long as it kept her happy, I was fine taking off my "manness."


baby r.t. and house too said...

Uh, yeah. I'm glad that Randi is keeping you in check. You look like a total cowboy (minus the haircut). Hey, we are going to be in Steamboat Springs for a wedding from the 16th-20th of July. Maybe we should meet somewhere?? Kira

Randi Patch said...

I can't look at this picture anymore!! Lol