The day started out really well. After a warm up run, Dakota wanted to charge the whole mountain. He asked if we could go ski a black diamond run off of Wilbere. That's a big step for Dakota. He skied the run once about two weeks prior. As we made our way over to the other side of the mountain, I could see Dakota's complexion and energy change. We drop into the run and it all fell apart. The sun had not yet warmed up the snow as the whole run was a sheet of ice. Dakota immediately started to tense up and over pressure his edges. On Dakota's third turn he lost his edge, fell to his side, and started to slide down the run, accelerating and screaming for help. I saw it coming and was ready to help. I skied up to him and stopped his "death slide."
Little Dakota was now freaked out and him being sick didn't help. I gave Dakota a little room to stand back up. As he stood up he let his skis start to move downhill. I could see the crash that was about to ensue in slow motion. I tried to get out of the way but my skis were pointed the wrong way. BOOM!!! Dakota took out my legs and the first thing I landed on happened to be my left thumb. CRUNCH!!! Ok well all I could say was "OWWWWWWW"!!!!! I could see Dakota's energy and health waning quickly. I decided that we were going to be done skiing for the day. Dakota was so upset because he wanted to ski hard so that we could go swimming as a reward for skiing hard. As we got back to the Lodge, Dakota was really upset and disappointed, that it was great to see his face when I said that we could go swimming, he lit up. I told him that being in the warm pool and hot tub would help him feel better and I didn't want him to have a disappointing last day with me.
My experience was one that tested my discipline, commitment, and patience. There were days that I had to forgo powder, skiing with friends, and Saturday morning sleeping in time. I kept telling myself that I was building up my karma points and that I would be repaid with interest.
Dakota taking it easy after swimming
The last car ride
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