Saturday, December 31, 2011

A December to Remember???? More like one to forget

This has been one crazy month; being more productive than I’ve ever been, chainsaw warfare, long days, cold nights, and no snow.  Yeah I’ll repeat that; no snow.  I didn’t see this as the way I would close out 2011. 

But I can say that as of today we are finally done with tree work for the year.   Typically, and our own plans, we were to be done the week leading up to Thanksgiving.  And by all means we thought that’s what would have happened; the lifts at Snowbasin started to turn, the WROD (white ribbon of death) assault on the legs had begun and I was smiling as the chain saws were hung up in the storage with care, not a tree was stirring, not even above a house.  But then one frightful Wednesday night, the wind began hollowing, the wind lasted all night.  And then destruction loomed then next day and night, to last all month.  Ok enough of the Christmas story rhyming and on to the details.  We had a wind event to say the least, some have called it Windmageddon.  The county I live in got pummeled.  We had 65 mph wind gusts up to 102 mph wind gusts for an eighteen hour period.  The main victim, pine trees, any and all types.  Since the root system is very shallow in the ground and small in comparison to the tree, they didn’t have a chance against the winds.  Most were just pushed over, but many were snapped at some point of the trunk.  The devastation caused by all of the falling trees was incredible and vast.  Trees on top of homes, cars, power lines, you name it.  There were semi-trucks getting blown over on the freeway.  I saw trampolines flying across the highway (which was kind of funny).  It seemed that maybe 50% of the pine trees in the county went down.  All in all it was crazy.  Seth received over sixty calls on that Thursday.  Needless to say we knew we were going to be busy for the next few weeks.  We took a few days off the real jobs to focus on getting peoples home ready for power and clean up.  We worked ten straight days late into the night cleaning everything up.  You could hear chainsaws going throughout the night all throughout the county as if it was a war zone.  As we are now done there still remains a few clean up jobs out there, but we are tired, and we need rest.

However, I am yet to receive any.  I just got back from a whirlwind trip home for Christmas.  My travels started with a 4am wake up on Christmas Day for a 6am flight back to Madison.  It wasn’t so bad as the first flight was quite spacious with all fifteen of us.  I was good to be in Madison and great being with the family, especially my eight month old nephew Beckett.   I ran all over with my family and also was able to hang out with family numero dos, the Kraemers, for two nights.  It’s great to be with my best friend Joey, his wife, and his parents.   We chatted, talked, enjoyed fine Wisconsin microbrew beers, played games, and hung out just as we have done for years. 

Coming back to Utah happened after the furious annual Romashko Rummi Royale between my mother and me.  Unfortunately this year’s battle was put on hold during the third and final round as we ran out of time before my flight.  We’ll finish later on to determine who the better rummi player is. 

But for now I’ll return to dreaming and praying for snow during this fourth worst winter of the past 40 years, while waiting for my Kylies to arrive.  Of how I can’t wait to mount those up and take them for a spin.  Enjoy the random pictures.  Until next time.

Windmageddon Damage

Ice climbing with Clint (First time out in almost 3 years)

Home for Christmas

The Beard

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